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Old dogs can learn new tricks

Jordan Mae Draper

Two words.

This application is very, very cool.

I was a tad hesitant at the beginning. I did not know how to work this application at all. Yeah, I have heard of this for sure. Haven’t we all heard about it? Photoshop. Yes, for sure. My profile picture has an odd person in the background, but guess what you can cover that up! Guess what though? You can do more than that! There is so much that you can do on Photoshop and so much you can create.

If you feel like you do not know how to create on Photoshop, get on Google or Youtube. Most helpful thing I have learned throughout this class is get online and search it! There are SO many videos and tutorials on Youtube and I can almost 100% guarantee you will find one you understand and can learn from.

An important thing to know before designing a Photoshop document, sounds crazy, but being able to open the document and being able to make the dimensions correct. That is also on an easy Youtube tutorial. Be sure to also know how to save the document when finished. The importance of JPG and PSD is also very dire to the project. Imagine doing work for long hours and then poof its gone because you do not know how to save it. Big bummer right?

I have learned that Photoshop has many capabilities that I am still learning. I did learn how to insert photos and that was an ease. I think having that down was super important and it allowed me to insert photos on the document.

When working with Photoshop you must remember that when you get frustrated all goes down the toilet. I have an issue of getting super frustrated and start banging around the keyboard. So, I suggest when getting frustrated with your design, take a break and then come back and start again. Frustration gets you no where, so the best option is to take a step back and get a new perspective.

I attached drafts of my handouts. I am a gymnast at OU and I am all about healthy eating and staying hydrated. I wanted to accomplish the goal of having both of those on the design. I also thought having true photos of myself as well as photos offline. I wanted a realistic feel as well as an animated sort of feel as well.


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