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Bullseye 2.0

Jordan Mae Draper

Having awareness of stakeholders is super important when creating a design for an organization. I already shared that I would be targeting the stakeholder of high school counselors. However, now I am going to share the stakeholder of the students aspect.

The students that I want to focus on will be:

16-18 years of age, with low single parent income, mid to high testing scores( ACT or SAT)

I believe I can target this group really well because the students have tons of potential and has great grades obviously. I think this group just needs some help with whatever it may be admissions issues, financial issues, or just convincing the parent to allow the child to go to college. This demographic could possible be first-generation college students, therefore they need more help than other students.

I am going to design a handout that shows the options for college, how to convince parents to let the kids go to college as well as admissions Q&A help. All the things that entice me to this stakeholder I will use to my advantage. The stakeholder will be able to take this information and use it for admissions help. Through this, the OU Recruitment Services will benefit and gain more students which is the goal.

I decided on this stakeholder because they have such great potential, but just need a little push to make it happen. I also think the students being bright helps and the financial issues can be worked around easily.

To identify potential stakeholders, I believe you should go to the root of the customers in its most basic sense. Tools to define stakeholders include: power/interest grid, stakeholder analysis and also asking your colleagues. A piece of advice is to never be afraid to ask people’s opinions or just advice. It is always a great thing to get a new perceptive on things, especially in the area of stakeholders, which is so important.

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